Amateur Radio Emergency Service - W4ACA

Proudly using the Oak Ridge ARC (W4SKH) Repeaters & W4ACA APRS Digipeater

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shelby Hamfest in doubt!

Hamfest in doubt

Annual festival won't happen at fairgrounds

SHELBY -  The county's biggest "family reunion" may not be held this year after a half-century.

The Shelby Amateur Radio Club Tuesday night agreed not to hold its annual Shelby Hamfest at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds because of a disagreement over a proposed contract.

Robby Hamrick, event chairman, said the group made the decision "with great regret" but felt forced to take the action it did.

No Hamfest for 2008?

"It's looking that way," said Hamrick, "unless we find another place to have it."

He said the club spent months visiting fairground officials to negotiate a new contract for the 50-year Cleveland County tradition. For that effort, the club received a non-negotiable contract in the mail, he said.

The proposed contract also included a hike in cost and untenable limitations placed on the club on how it uses the space, Hamrick said.

"Since I read that contract, I've had to take my driver's license out to check my birthdate to see if I was born yesterday."

Hamrick said the club requested a face-to-face meeting with fairgrounds management and asked for a reply by March  28.

"Since we did not get a reply, we have no choice but to cancel our plans for the 2008 Hamfest," Hamrick said.

The fair association and the radio club have had a rocky relationship in recent years.

The event regularly attracts about 10,000 ham radio enthusiasts from throughout the country. Last year, visitors from as far away as Australia came to the festival. The event generates revenue for county businesses, Hamrick said.

"This is like a family reunion for some," he said of the radio operators. "Some show up two weeks early and camp out."

Hamrick said the fairgrounds provide special facilities not found everywhere - such as places for their vendors, campsites and restrooms - and that it would be hard to find another place with such amenities for the Labor Day event.

Hamfest is the club's biggest fundraiser, with money going to support the group's four active repeaters.

"We're not going to give up," said Hamrick.

As this story broke Tuesday night, we'll have more in Thursday's Star and at on Wednesday, including comments from fair officials, more from the Shelby Amateur Radio Club and more specifics on the contract itself.

Moe Brewer  N4CQW
Anderson County Assistant EC / AVFD Firefighter 7247 /
Webmaster for &

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just incase you didn't know. The Shelby Hamfest has not been cancelled. Please go to

Anderson County ARES Information

The Anderson County ARES net meets every Tuesday Night at 7PM local time.
We use the the W4SKH Oak Ridge ARC repeaters.

The main repeater is: 146.880 PL Tone 88.5 (Currently Online)
The current back up is: 146.970 (Currently Online)

The ARES Nation Simplex Frequency is 147.420 and will used if required.

The net preamble for the Anderson County ARES net can be found here.

Net Control Station Manual

New FCC BAND PLAN (pdf) Updated Version with a different layout HF Band Plan Vertical (pdf) Courtesy of KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog

If you would like to join Anderson County ARES please complete the application form and submit it by email to Jeff or Moe.

Emergency Coordinator and Staff

Jeff Yawn K4IK Emergency Coordinator (865)567-2577
Jim Bogard - KY4L Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Larry Hensley - KB4ITS Asst Emergency Coordinator / Net Manager
Steve Lothridge - KI4RGN Net Manager
Moe Brewer - N4CQW Asst Emergency Coordinator / Webmaster

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