Amateur Radio Emergency Service - W4ACA

Proudly using the Oak Ridge ARC (W4SKH) Repeaters & W4ACA APRS Digipeater

Friday, December 25, 2009

Holiday Cheer from Google Analytics

Happy Holidays to all and to all up and to the right

As a special holiday treat, we've launched the Holiday bonus features:

Have you ever wondered whether a new trend in your data is related to a change in strategy at your company? With Annotations, you won't have to wonder. Annotations let you share tribal knowledge and see your data in context.

Easier Tracking Code setup
No more guessing or hunting for the right tags to paste on your site. The new tracking code setup wizard makes custom tagging easy.

API updates
With Advanced Segments, goal configuration data, and more built into the latest API, you can build even more powerful integrations with Google Analytics.

More dimensions and metrics
New data dimensions and metrics will be made available, including those in our recently announced features.

You can learn about all of these features by watching the newly posted recording of the December 10th Google Analytics New Features webinar, which is the perfect complement to a roaring fire and hot chocolate.

Sign in to your account to try the new features.

Struggling to find the perfect gift for your web analyst?

Avinash Kaushik, author of Web Analytics: An Hour a Day, recently released his second book, Web Analytics 2.0. The new book is full of helpful insights and strategies for improving your web analytics.

In addition to helping make you a better analyst, you'll be helping others. Avinash is donating 100% of the proceeds from sales of the book to benefit The Smile Train and Ekal Vidyalaya. You can read more about the book on the Analytics blog.

Merry analyzing,
Google Analytics Team

Need a little help?

Analytics Help Center

Analytics Blog

Analytics YouTube Channel

Analytics Help Forum

Email Preferences: We sent you this email because you have indicated that you are willing to receive occasional Google Analytics newsletters. If you do not wish to receive such emails in the future, please visit your settings page ( - Google Analytics login required), uncheck the box next to 'Newsletters', and click 'Save Changes.'

Copyright 2009. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043

Anderson County ARES Information

The Anderson County ARES net meets every Tuesday Night at 7PM local time.
We use the the W4SKH Oak Ridge ARC repeaters.

The main repeater is: 146.880 PL Tone 88.5 (Currently Online)
The current back up is: 146.970 (Currently Online)

The ARES Nation Simplex Frequency is 147.420 and will used if required.

The net preamble for the Anderson County ARES net can be found here.

Net Control Station Manual

New FCC BAND PLAN (pdf) Updated Version with a different layout HF Band Plan Vertical (pdf) Courtesy of KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog

If you would like to join Anderson County ARES please complete the application form and submit it by email to Jeff or Moe.

Emergency Coordinator and Staff

Jeff Yawn K4IK Emergency Coordinator (865)567-2577
Jim Bogard - KY4L Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Larry Hensley - KB4ITS Asst Emergency Coordinator / Net Manager
Steve Lothridge - KI4RGN Net Manager
Moe Brewer - N4CQW Asst Emergency Coordinator / Webmaster

Trend Micro Classifieds