Moe Brewer N4CQW
Anderson County Assistant EC
Webmaster for www.etskywarn.org and http://www.w4aca.org
Webmaster for the blogs of http://w4aca.blogspot.com and http://etskywarn.blogspot.com
Amateur Radio Emergency Service - W4ACA
Proudly using the Oak Ridge ARC (W4SKH) Repeaters & W4ACA APRS Digipeater
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/30/2007 09:25:00 AM
Labels: General News, RSS Feeds
October 27, 2007
Chattanooga Convention Center
Place: Hamfest Chattanooga has moved to the Chattanooga Trade and Convention Center for 2007. This location will give Visitors a chance to enjoy HamFest07 as well as local area attractions.
Talk In: 146.79 / 224.180
For dealers:
10' x 10' space, $45 each.
Space includes one or two 8' tables (your choice)
Free admission for dealer and workers
Dealer Registration
For inside flea market:
8' table, $15 ea.
Electricity $10
Admission $7 each person
Flea Market Registration
Contact : Tom Cash K4ZQX
Email : k4zqx ()AT() arrl.net
Mail : Hamfest Chattanooga
P.O. Box 23121
Chattanooga TN 37422
Repost from Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/29/2007 10:22:00 PM
Labels: General News, Ham Fest
If you ever wanted to get into digital communications but thought setting up all those interfaces was too much trouble, try watching this video.
Randy K7AGE shows just how easy it is to receive PSK31 with a ham receiver, a PC and a cheap PC microphone.
After sampling PSK31 you may want to create a permanent setup using a dedicated interface. Randy has created a second tutorial explaining the use of interfaces and describing a few that can be bought ready made - Read More
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/27/2007 11:20:00 AM
Labels: Digital Modes, News Articles, Projects
Reminder from: | ACARES Yahoo! Group | |
Title: | Anderson County ARES Net | |
Date: | Tuesday September 25, 2007 | |
Time: | 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm | |
Repeats: | This event repeats every week. | |
Location: | 146.880 Repeater | |
Notes: | Backup frequencies if 146.880 is unavailable: 146.970 147.360 100Hz Tone 147.420 (Simplex) | |
Get reminders on your mobile, Yahoo! Messenger, and email. Edit reminder options |
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/25/2007 06:01:00 PM
Reminder from: | ACARES Yahoo! Group | |
Title: | Anderson County ARES Net | |
Date: | Tuesday September 25, 2007 | |
Time: | 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm | |
Repeats: | This event repeats every week. | |
Next reminder: | The next reminder for this event will be sent in 23 hours. | |
Location: | 146.880 Repeater | |
Notes: | Backup frequencies if 146.880 is unavailable: 146.970 147.360 100Hz Tone 147.420 (Simplex) | |
Get reminders on your mobile, Yahoo! Messenger, and email. Edit reminder options |
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/24/2007 07:03:00 PM
Welcome hams from around the country to the 8th annual Ten-Tec factory hamfest! Discounts on used Ten-Tec ham radio equipment, promotional giveaways on new gear! Door prizes! Tour of the Ten-Tec factory! Meet the Ten-Tec factory representatives! 4 HF stations will be simultaneously on the air to try out the latest equipment. License testing at 1:00 Saturday afternoon. Bencher/Ten-Tec Friday night CW copying contest, 7:00 p.m., hosted by Willard Sitton, W4HZD. Winner takes home a new Bencher iambic paddle.
Friday 9/28/07 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday 9/29/07 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Ten-Tec, Inc., 1185 Dolly Parton Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862. We are 2 1/2 miles east of downtown Sevierville on highway 411 north, across the street from Sevier County High School.
FREE admission and FREE tailgating. Tailgating Saturday only.
Tennessee's largest tailgating session! Tailgating in the rear parking lot and grass areas behind the Ten-Tec building. Tailgating setup begins 7:00 Saturday morning. BYO tables + chairs. NO COMPUTER OR NON-HAM RADIO VENDORS - amateur radio items or related electronics only.
Read More
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/22/2007 09:05:00 AM
Labels: General News, Ham Fest, Special Events
The 146.730 (-) Repeater is the NEWEST acquisition of the WB4GBI Repeater System.
Although it is the newest to us... it certainly isn't new to East Tennessee Amateur Radio Operators. Second only to the 146.940 machine... this machine had been one of the most prominent repeaters in this part of the country...
spending the majority of it's useful life high atop English Mountain in Jefferson County.
The history of this repeater dates back to when there were only a handful of 2-meter repeaters available in Eastern Tennessee.
Read More
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/21/2007 06:50:00 AM
Labels: General News
The Mountain Amateur Radio Club in Middlesboro Ky Website is now up and functioning. Here is the link if anyone is interested in what is going on up in Virgina and Kentucky.
They seem to have some lively discussions, pictures and what is new with local communications in the area.
73, de N4CQW Moe
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/20/2007 08:37:00 PM
September 22, 2007
Amateur Radio test preparation class from 8 am to 4 pm conducted by AG4OA and AG4XP, Mark and Velma Wills.
The class will be held in the Claiborne County Hospital Education Center.
Please be sure to bring your own lunch, money ($14.00 for testing fee) and two forms of identification, one of which needs to be photo, for the testing session afterwards.
Talk in frequencies are 147.360+ and 147.420 ARES National simplex.
ATTENTION: There is to much to cover for the Extra Class training in one day. The class is primarily for the Technician and General licenses.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
de - KI4UHK Chris
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/20/2007 08:27:00 PM
Labels: General News, News Articles, Test Sessions
As a the web page / blog continues to grow and expand with sometimes daily or weekly updates it becomes hard to keep up with the updates to page. We are now offering a Bi - Weekly email updates of the web page.
The email(s) will constit of short blurbs on what has been updated since the last email broadcast. The Emails will be delivered every Tuesday and Friday mornings at 5 am for your reading pleasure to any valid email account you choose to use.
To subscribe to the service please fill in your email address on the main page and click "Subscribe". Once you subscribe you will be sent a verfication email to the email address you entered. Simply follow the instructions and your account will be activated.
Information collected statment:
- If you choose to use our email blog delivery, we assure you that your name, email address, and any other identifying information will be kept absolutely confidential. It will not be given to any third party. The contents of the email become the property of Anderson County ARES.
- Those subscribing to the Anderson County BlogMail will need to provide a valid email address so that each edition may be distributed to you. Your email address will not be given to any third party under any conceivable circumstances.
- If you have any questions or comments please contact Moe Brewer or Jeff Yawn.
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/18/2007 10:53:00 PM
Labels: General News, RSS Feeds
Anderson County Emergency Management Director Steve Payne is looking for volunteers to serve as leaders for damage assessment teams.
Volunteers will be trained to lead small teams into communities that have suffered damage from tornado's or floods. These team will make initial assessment of damage as a first step in providing food, shelter, and obtaining Federal assistance for the communities.
If you are interested in serving your community as a damage assessment team leader please contact Lin Chilcoat at (865) 457-7846 to register to attend the training session. The class is limited to 30 people, it will be held on Thursday September 27Th from 6 PM to 10 PM at the EMA office which is at 111 South Charles Seivers Boulevard in Clinton.
If you have questions please contact Moe N4CQW or Jeff Yawn K4IK at the email address listed at the bottom of the page.
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/17/2007 09:41:00 AM
Labels: ARES Training, General News, News Articles
Nov. 6th, 2003, By Steve KB1DIG & Kim KB1GTR
Anderson Power Products and Powerpole® connectors. We have been doing research on this product and here are some of our findings. This overview may be familiar. Most of this information was found from different sources on the Internet and several Web links are listed on this page. We hope this will offer some new insight into how to go about integrating this Anderson Powerpole product into everyone's emergency power equipment needs. Our suggested attempts at leveling the playing field.. Also, keeping costs reasonable for the high-tech low budget practical minded Amateur in all of us. We are not experts and have no affiliation with the manufacturers or sales vendors mentioned.
Read More
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/17/2007 07:23:00 AM
Labels: Projects
If Anderson County ARES had a email domain (AKA your call sign @w4aca.org) would you use it. It would be a free account at no cost to use the domain name email as a private email address.
No, I would Not Use It - 18% - 3 Votes
Yes, I Would Use It - 68% - 11 Votes
I Do Not Use Email - 12% - 2 Votes
With the vote totals that we have I will start a plan to create Email Domain for W4ACA in the next few weeks.
73, de N4CQW Moe
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/16/2007 07:07:00 PM
Labels: General News, Poll History
2007 Fall VHF/UHF Sprint Rules:
1. Object: To work as many amateur stations in as many 2 X 1 degree grid
squares as possible, using authorized amateur frequencies on the 50,
222, 432 MHz and Microwave (902 MHz and above) bands during the contest
2. Contest Period:
2.1 The 144 MHz Sprint will be from 7 PM to 11 PM local time on Monday,
September 17, 2007.
2.2 The 222 MHz Sprint will be from 7 PM to 11 PM local time on Tuesday,
September 25, 2007.
2.3 The 432 MHz Sprint will be from 7 PM to 11 PM local time on
October 3, 2007.
2.4 The Microwave (902 MHz and above) Sprint will be from 6 AM to 12 PM
local time on Saturday October 13, 2007. Notice the time change from
year's sprint. The Microwave Sprint is one Sprint and certificates will
awarded for highest total score. See section 4.5 below for scoring.
note changes from last year!
2.5 The 50 MHz Sprint starts 2300 UTC Saturday, October 20, 2007 and
0300 UTC Sunday, October 21, 2007.
3. Exchange: Call signs and Grid-square locator. Signal report optional.
4. Scoring:
4.1 QSO Points: One point for each complete QSO on 50 through 432 MHz.
4.2 Multiplier: The total number of grid squares worked. Each 2 X 1
grid square worked counts as one multiplier.
4.3 Final Score: Multiply QSO points by multipliers. Each sprint is
4.4 Rovers Score: Each grid activated is scored separately as if the
station was a normal single operator in that grid. Please separate logs
for each grid activated. The final score is the sum of the scores for
individual grids activated.
4.5 Microwave Score: Count one QSO point for each complete 902 or 1296
QSO. Count two QSO points for each 2.3 GHz (or higher) QSO. Add up the
points for all bands and then multiply this total by the total number of
multipliers. A grid worked on more than one band counts as a new
multiplier on each band. For example: EM99 worked on 902, 1296 and 2304
MHz is 3 multipliers.
5. Reporting: Logs must be submitted no later than four weeks of the
closing date of the each event. Only submitted logs are eligible for
awards. Logs must be in ARRL format (log sheets and summary sheet as
for ARRL VHF contests) to be accepted, and must show current address to
eligible for awards. Electronic submissions in ARRL acceptable
format may be mailed on diskette or e-mailed with log file as an
ATTACHMENT only (Not in the body of
e-mail). Subject line of e-mail must contain "2007 Fall Sprint". In
addresses below (at) is really an @ sign.
5.1 144 MHz Sprint logs to:
Ott Fiebel W4WSR, PO Box 957, Hayesville, NC 28904
5.2 222 MHz Sprint logs to:
Bob Lear W4ZST, PO Box 1269, Dahlonega, GA 30533 w4zst(at)windstream.net
5.3 432 MHz Spring logs to:
Jim Worsham W4KXY, 1915 Oak Wind Lane, Buford, GA 30519-6766
5.4 Microwave Sprint logs to:
Dexter McIntyre W4DEX, 16164 Pless Mill Rd, Stanfield, NC 28163
5.5 50 MHz Sprint logs to:
Ray Rector WA4NJP, 3493 Holly Springs Rd, Gillsville, GA 30534
6. Certificates for top three Single Op finishers in each sprint and top
three Rovers in each sprint if sufficient Rover competition is shown.
Certificates to be awarded at the Southeastern VHF Society banquet.
***7. Use of telephone, packet or internet methods to schedule contacts
during the contest is acceptable. The telephone, packet or internet
channel will not be used while the contact is in progress. No "OK I am
hearing you now." over the alternate channel. The alternate channel will
not be available in any way to the operator during the contact. The
complete exchange of call signs and grids must be accomplished on the
relevant amateur radio band.
The Fall Sprints are sponsored by the Southeastern VHF Society. Please
visit www.svhfs.org for any updates.
NOTE - please send a copy to your amateur radio friends. We want
everyone to enjoy this special event. It's up to you to pass the word.
Tom K4FJW EM86vo
Moe Brewer N4CQW
Anderson County Assistant EC
Webmaster for www.etskywarn.org and http://www.w4aca.org
Webmaster for the blogs of http://w4aca.blogspot.com and http://etskywarn.blogspot.com
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/15/2007 03:41:00 PM
Labels: Contest
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Oregon
Scientific Inc., has announced a voluntary recall of approximately
66,000 weather radio receivers distributed by Oregon Scientific. This,
after it was been determined that these radios could fail to receive
National Weather Service alert signals in certain areas of the country.
Only four models are affected. They were sold at retail stores
nationwide, including some electronics and sporting goods stores,
online retailers and in catalogs from December 2005 through June 2007
for between $30 and $150. The CPSC says that in the event of severe
weather, this failure could put a consumer's life and property at risk.
For additional information on which models are covered in the recall,
contact Oregon Scientific at (800) 203-4921 Monday through Friday
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Coast Time . Or you can visit the
form's website.
More the Consumer Product Safety Commission position on these radio is available on-line Click Here(CGC)
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/15/2007 07:45:00 AM
Labels: News Articles
Courtesy of Steve KB1DIG & Kim KB1GTR, Feb. 24th, 2004
Emergency Power operation is becoming more common place, with a few different good ways available to accomplish this goal. We decided some time ago, to go with 12v/DC battery backup power. Several Hams spend a lot of time preparing to run their equipment during a blackout. There does not seem to be a lot of information out on station lighting. We observed normal incandescent or even fluorescent lighting can greatly increase the drain of battery backup systems. A single 5Watt Halogen 12v/DC bulb runs @ 400mA, and produces a lot of light. This Jumbo LED runs at only @ 40mA, with less light produced, but still a fair amount. 2 or 3 of these LEDs seems to do the trick at this QTH. Enough lighting to work with and a lot less overall power drain.. The Energy Efficiency of the LED is truly worth your time exploring.
Read More
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/12/2007 11:04:00 PM
Labels: Projects
Special to The Press-Enterprise
When there is an emergency, time is a crucial element and a group of volunteer ham radio operators in Moreno Valley is prepared to jump into action.
Members of the Moreno Valley Amateur Radio Association helped during the October Esperanza Fire, in which five firefighters died, and were deployed to Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina devastated the region.
"When emergency systems get overloaded and normal communications fail, we provide alternative communications," said Clinton Dague, the group's chief officer and the facilities engineer for the city.
Read More
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/11/2007 11:19:00 AM
Labels: General News
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/10/2007 09:09:00 PM
Labels: Test Sessions
With today being the Tennessee QSO party I was looking to find some interesting articles to post about contesting and some of the things we take for granted at home. One major advantage we have Field we use is the American Red Cross building which is a really nice place to hold our event. Others are not so lucky to have such a place. But for the average contest we work from home from each of our shacks. Scot K9JY has posted several GREAT articles that might help during a contest at home or when we are doing Field Day event.
30 Ham Radio Contest Tips — Test Ergonomics
Posted by Scot, K9JY on September 9th, 2007
Also I have created a RSS link to his site if you like to keep up with topics he is discussing. Please see below.
I hope everyone had a good time on the radio tonight.
73, de N4CQW Moe
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/09/2007 09:53:00 PM
Labels: RSS Feeds
TNQP 2007
9 Sept, 1800z - 10 Sept, 0300z
1800z Sunday, September 9 until 0300z Monday, September 10, 2007
Stations outside of Tennessee work as many Tennessee stations in as many Tennessee counties as possible. Stations in Tennessee work everyone.
All amateur bands except 60, 30, 17 and 12 meters.
● Phone (no repeater QSOs)
● CW
● Digital (RTTY, PSK31, FSK441, JT6M, etc)
A complete copy of the Rules for the 2007 TN QSO Party can be found here. Click Here
To sign up to work your county or to see what counties have no operators in case you you want to tell your friends. Click Here
Talk to you on the air!
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/09/2007 03:50:00 AM
Labels: Contest
Courtesy of Diehl Martin W4TI
What is a Go-Kit?
A Go-Kit is a portable amateur radio station which the radio amateur can take when asked to go to an event which needs support with radio communication. What is consists of depends on the extent of the event, and the communication needs. Making a pre-planned kit helps the thought process as to what will be needed, and how it will be used. What I present here is the thought process which resulted in my current Go-Kit, which might inspire you to improve on it.
Read More
This is one of best ARES web sites I have come across lately. I feel that it would be well worth your time to take time, look around and read the information he has posted.
73, de N4CQW Moe
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/06/2007 05:30:00 PM
Labels: Projects
While surfing around this afternoon I came across this web page. It is one of the most interesting vehicles I have ever seen. It is the EmComm vehicle of Steve Hicks, N5AC
Any comments on this one? This would be interesting vehicle to drive down the road.
73, de N4CQW Moe
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/06/2007 05:25:00 PM
Labels: Projects
Pentagon Amateur Radio Club to Host Special Event Station Commemorating 9/11 (Sep 4, 2007) -- On Sunday, September 9, the Pentagon Amateur Radio Club (PARC) will operate a Special Event station commemorating the 6th anniversary of the attacks that occurred on the Pentagon, the World Trade Center and over Pennsylvania in 2001. They will be operating on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters, both phone and CW where and when possible, with plans to operate on a 12 hour basis (1200-2400 UTC). There will be a special QSL card available for stations that work K4AF. For more information, please contact Claude Hennessey, KG4TVN. QSL via PARC, PO Box 2322, Arlington, VA 22202. In addition, club members will operate from the station on Tuesday, September 11 as part of the commemoration. -- Thx Jeffery W. Wilson, AI4IO
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/06/2007 02:01:00 PM
Labels: Special Events
TNQP 2007
9 Sept, 1800z - 10 Sept, 0300z
1800z Sunday, September 9 until 0300z Monday, September 10, 2007
Stations outside of Tennessee work as many Tennessee stations in as many Tennessee counties as possible. Stations in Tennessee work everyone.
All amateur bands except 60, 30, 17 and 12 meters.
● Phone (no repeater QSOs)
● CW
● Digital (RTTY, PSK31, FSK441, JT6M, etc)
A complete copy of the Rules for the 2007 TN QSO Party can be found here. Click Here
To sign up to work your county or to see what counties have no operators in case you you want to tell your friends. Click Here
Talk to you on the air!
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/05/2007 07:10:00 AM
Labels: Contest
Reminder from: | ACARES Yahoo! Group | |
Title: | Anderson County ARES Net | |
Date: | Tuesday September 4, 2007 | |
Time: | 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm | |
Repeats: | This event repeats every week. | |
Location: | 146.880 Repeater | |
Notes: | Backup frequencies if 146.880 is unavailable: 146.970 147.360 100Hz Tone 147.420 (Simplex) | |
Get reminders on your mobile, Yahoo! Messenger, and email. Edit reminder options |
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/04/2007 06:00:00 PM
VoIP Hurricane Net to Activate for Felix (Sep 3, 2007) --
The VoIP Hurricane Net will be active starting at 0900 UTC on Tuesday September 4, looking for reports from stations in the affected area of Hurricane Felix. Felix is a potentially catastrophic Category 5 hurricane threatening Honduras, Nicaragua and Belize; Felix is the second major hurricane of the 2007 hurricane season. "We would appreciate any Amateur Radio operators in the affected area to come on the EchoLink *WX-TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP reflector 9219 to give us weather and damage reports.
Click Here to read more.
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/03/2007 10:18:00 PM
Labels: News Articles
Reminder from: | ACARES Yahoo! Group | |
Title: | Anderson County ARES Net | |
Date: | Tuesday September 4, 2007 | |
Time: | 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm | |
Repeats: | This event repeats every week. | |
Next reminder: | The next reminder for this event will be sent in 23 hours, 1 minute. | |
Location: | 146.880 Repeater | |
Notes: | Backup frequencies if 146.880 is unavailable: 146.970 147.360 100Hz Tone 147.420 (Simplex) | |
Get reminders on your mobile, Yahoo! Messenger, and email. Edit reminder options |
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/03/2007 07:01:00 PM
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RSS (which, in its most recent format, stands for "Really Simple Syndication") is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. An RSS document, which is called a "feed", "web feed", or "channel", contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.
RSS content can be read using software called a "feed reader" or an "aggregator." The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's link into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new content, downloading any updates that it finds.
The initials "RSS" are used to refer to the following formats:
Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
RDF Site Summary (RSS 1.0 and RSS 0.90)
Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
RSS formats are specified using XML, a generic specification for the creation of data formats.
The W4ACA.org web site has a RSS Atom feed Click Here
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/02/2007 10:00:00 AM
Labels: General News
Solder Smoke
Solder Smoke Report #65 Link
July 1, 2007 Alexanderson Day.
Report from Friedrichshafen. Ole Romer, Hippolyte Fizzeau and the speed of light.
Zen, toroids, QST, and the joy of homebrewing. BOOM!
Ramakrishnan's RFI disappears in a flash! (Again!)
BANDSWEEP: Jason, NT7S, lets us listen to 40 CW on Field Day with his homebrew Tualatin rig of FDIM fame.
MAILBAG: K8VU tells of Rick Campbell's envious thoughts on the Drake 2-B.
VK3HN on Zen and Motorcycle Maintenance, quiet bands in VK.
KA9OOI tells us when he got The Knack.
MOHBR SIGNS OFF FROM LONDON -- Summer travel plans. On to Rome.
A RSS syndication feed has been added at the bottom of the page that will automatically update when a new MP3 is published.
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/02/2007 09:36:00 AM
Labels: Projects
While looking around for some new project ideas for the web page and items of interest for everyone I stumbled across Amateur Logic TV.
It is a interesting mix of technical projects and projects relevant the current events (i.e. Field Day or Dayton Hamvention are a couple of examples)
A couple of the current topics are:
- Software Defined Radio
- Basic Stamp Micro Controller
The post or blogs are recorded in a video format the can be watched on You Tube or Google video.
If anyone has any ideas to go along with any of the topics that have been discussed please feel free to post ideas or comments to any of the discussions others bring up.
A RSS syndication feed has been added at the bottom of the page that will automatically update when a new video is published.
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/02/2007 08:52:00 AM
Labels: Projects
The Hurricane Watch Net provides communications to and from the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida during times of hurricane emergencies. The net (a gathering of amateur radio operators missioned to support the National Hurricane Center) convenes as an organized network of emergency communicators on the frequency of 14.325 Mhz when a hurricane is forecast to be within 300 statute miles from landfall on any inhabited land mass in the Caribbean Sea, Central America, and U.S. Mainland including the Gulf of Mexico coastal areas.
Current plans for Hurricane Felix are to activate on Monday, September, 3, 2007 at 1700 EDT/2100 UTC to begin listing reporting stations in the projected path of Hurricane Felix. Click Here for current path prediction. The net will activate again on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 0800 EDT/1200 UTC for normal net operations. These time are subject to change according to current conditions and forecasts.
It is requested that you monitor the status of tropical storm activity through information presented here in our web site, and as any storm comes within 300 miles of forecast landfall, you should return to this page for an update on activation plans for the Hurricane Watch Net.
Please remember to visit this page frequently for the latest information.
Click Here to be taken to the Hurricane Watch Net homepage.
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/02/2007 07:44:00 AM
Labels: News Articles
Record rainfall and resultant flooding and mudslides in southeastern Minnesota over the past week disrupted communications and prompted emergency response officials to call upon Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) groups for communications assistance.
Olmsted County ARES was among the first to respond. Their members were rapidly deployed throughout the disaster area. As conditions deteriorated, the call for additional ARES assistance was made, and Scott County ARES was notified shortly after noon on Sunday, August 26. They were able to send three members to the disaster area to assist local emergency responders with communications.
Read More
Posted by
Anderson County ARES
9/01/2007 07:19:00 AM
Labels: News Articles
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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.